Thursday, January 17, 2019

Spring Semester 2019 Blog #1 - Getting Started

This starts a semester-long series of 15 blogs running from the first day of classes to final exams.   The first entry is about what to consider during the first few days of the semester depending on whether this is your first semester, a semester following some problems such as academic probation, or simply continuing on with your success.

If you are a first-time student, look at big picture:

·       How are your classes arranged throughout the week?

·       When will you study?

·       What tutoring is available on campus?

·       How do you plan to exercise and eat properly? 

·       Be sure you are connected to the internet and are accessing your school email. 

·       Find out what on-line grade and communication system will each professor use.

·       Do you have all the academic materials you need such as textbooks and access to on-line supplements or classroom supplies?
f you are a successful returning student:

·       How are your classes arranged this semester compared to the previous semester (more spread out, compressed, early, late in the day)?

·       What are the best times to study this semester?

·       What studying habits will you maintain?

·       What changes do you need to make that will further enhance your success?

If you were not successful in previous semesters:

·       Where can you make positive changes?

·       What went well that you will continue?

·       Which classes will require more effort? 

·       If you are retaking a class to erase a low grade, think about what you will do differently this semester – do not just repeat what you did before! 

·       Also read the things information for the first-time student and be sure those are covered.

Remember that the habits you start to develop this first week will guide your entire semester.  It is much easier to start the semester with positive habits rather than make corrections after the first few weeks!

The next blog will deal with setting goals, both short term and long term, and how to ensure you succeed
First Semester Success: 2nd Edition, by Dr. Arden B. Hamer, is available as an eBook and hardcopy from and as a hardcopy from  Click on the upper right link.

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