Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Plan for a Positive Start of the Spring Semester

As the spring semester begins, take a moment to reflect back on the fall semester.  What went well?  What do you think you should change in order to earn better grades or make your studying more effective?  This is the time to start new, positive HABITS.

Next, look at your spring schedule.  When do you have free time?  When are you really busy?  Make a general weekly schedule and plan when you will study, when you will exercise, when you will relax.  Remember that you need to study about 2 hours for every hour in class, so be sure to schedule enough time.  Then, start this schedule NOW, get into the HABIT of studying and it will be easier to maintain for the next 14 weeks.

For some ideas of exactly what to do when you are studying, review previous blogs.  Log back on in future weeks for some more effective strategies and study ideas.

Work toward success in this new semester!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Evaluating Your Semester Grades

Well, you have finally opened your semester grades.  Are you happy?  Disappointed?  Dismayed?  There are several things you should consider now:
1.       If you do not understand why you received the grade you did, you should contact your professor.  (Remember that some will not reply to emails, so for those you will have to wait until the beginning of the next semester.)  Be polite, write that you expected to receive a higher grade and state why.   If after they reply you still think there was an error, your institution has some policies in place to work this out.

2.       Be sure to keep all of the graded exams and work that was returned to you in case there is a dispute.

3.       It is well within your right to go to the professor’s office at the beginning of the next semester and ask to see your final exam.

4.       The key is to be polite.  Most professors are very willing to correct any mistake they may have made.

5.       If your grades are great – now is the time to relax and enjoy.  Reflect on what went well and resolve to do the same or even more next semester.

6.       If your grades are a disappointment – you get another chance next semester.  Reflect on what you did well and what you can do differently and better next semester.  It would be helpful to write these down and review them at the beginning of the semester and maybe even weekly during the semester!

7.       See if your institution offers a study strategies or learning strategies class.  These could be just one credit, but provide invaluable information about how to earn better grades!
The next installment will deal with being on academic probation and what you can do about it!
Happy New Year!