Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Successful Habit #4 - Taking Care of Your Health

Getting sick during the semester can be a real problem.  Not only can’t you always attend class but you do not feel like studying or doing anything at all!  Once a bug starts to go around it is nearly impossible to stay away from the germs.  There are some proactive things you can do to stay healthy:

·       WASH YOUR HANDS!!  Just imagine where the germs are lingering in the dorms and classrooms!

·       Get regular sleep.

·       Pay attention to your diet and eat foods that will keep you healthy.

·       Maintain a regular exercise schedule.

·       If your family agrees, get a flu shot.

Sometimes, even with the best prevention, you will get sick.   Hopefully if you are strong and healthy it will be brief and you will recover quickly.   If you do happen to get sick:

·       Contact someone in your class and either get the notes or find out what happened. (Of course, you have scouted the other students and made friends with a few that you think will earn ‘As!’)

·       If it is a smaller class where the professor takes attendance, send her a quick email so she knows why you are not there.

Your mental health is also important.  There are counseling centers on all campuses that are there for you if there are issues interfering with your studying.  It really helps to talk to someone impartial to the situation.  It is also important to socialize and take time off from studying, just be sure to do so in a safe and healthy way.   (You know I mean not partying – especially if you are under 21!  Nothing will hamper your future career like an underage drinking conviction.  You may not even be able to continue if your major is education or criminal justice!)

Next blog will look at the habit of reviewing and learning your notes after EACH class!  Why should you do this and what should you actually be doing???  Read next week to find out!
First Semester Success: Learning Strategies and Motivation for Your First Semester (or Any Semester) of College, by Dr. Arden B. Hamer, is available at, and  Click on the upper right link.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Successful Habit #3 - Stay Organized

Just like in high school, there are multiple professors giving you assignments, scheduling tests, assigning projects, etc.  It is vitally important that you stay organized so that nothing falls through the cracks.  Here are some ideas:

·       Keep your papers for each class separate and together.  Do not use just one notebook.  Either get multiple spiral notebooks or a loose-leaf binder with dividers.

·       Write down major assignments and tests on a master, monthly calendar and also in your planner.

·       Write down all assignments and quizzes in your daily planner.   Keep this with you and check it all the time.  Some students write these things down in their notes, but that only works if you are always looking at your notes.

·       Keep the syllabus for each class and look at it all the time.  (This assumes that you thoroughly read it at the beginning of the semester so you are familiar with the attendance policy, grading policy, flow of semester, etc.)  Not all professors will remind you that there is an exam coming up.

·       Keep all returned work until you have received your final grade.  If you think the professor made an error it helps if you can show the grades you received.

Where many students fall short is the day to day time and effort to stay organized.   Even though it does takes daily effort, it is well worth the pay-off of easily knowing where everything is and what is happening in each class.

Next blog will look at your personal habits that enable you to do your best work.
First Semester Success: Learning Strategies and Motivation for Your First Semester (or Any Semester) of College, by Dr. Arden B. Hamer, is available at, and    Click on the upper right link.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Successbul Habits #1 and #2 of 7

I have spent several weeks sharing negative habits and problems I have observed in my struggling college students, but what are the positive habits I have seen in successful students?  There are at least seven, and they are not that hard to do.  It is much easier if you practice these habits from the start of the semester.  If you not, remember that is may be uncomfortable at first but soon will become natural.

#1 – Attend all classes!

This seems obvious, but it is amazing how many students think this is an option or a daily decision!  You go to class, there is not an option or a daily decision to be made.  You just always go.

One problem with missing is that, the next time you go you do not necessarily know what is happening in class and you feel uncomfortable.  This leads to not attending again to avoid that feeling.  Get to know someone in the class who you can contact if you get sick so that you have an idea of what you have missed.

If attendance is a problem, it helps to add some external motivation.  One option is to print out your weekly schedule and then X off each class you attend.  You can also make yourself a hand-drawn weekly chart with the classes listed for each day and then cross off each one as you attend.  The concrete act of crossing each class off is very motivating.  You can treat yourself after each perfect week to something you would like, but hopefully the internal satisfaction of attending, knowing what is happening and learning will be motivation enough.

#2 – Appear interested in the class

Keep in mind that your professors are constantly looking at the students’ faces and forming opinions of their interest level, personality and potential to succeed.   (This is perfectly natural – you do it all the time when you meet someone new!)  Make an effort to look pleasant and interested.  This really goes a long way and, if you are not feeling particularly pleasant or interested, by faking it you may actually find that you are!

Next week accurately keeping track of your assignments and exams. 
First Semester Success:  Learning Strategies and Motivation for Your First Semester (or Any Semester) of College, by Dr. Arden B. Hamer, is available at, and  Click on the  upper right link.