Monday, January 12, 2015

Start the Spring Semester with Success

As you start the spring semester, there are some things to consider depending on how well you did in the fall semester:
If things went well:
  • What study strategies did you use that helped you learn?
  • How did you prepare for exams?
  • How did you do on pop quizzes?
  • How prepared did you feel for each class?
  • How was your attendance?  Assuming you went to each class, how did you maintain regular attendance?
  • When, where and how much did you study?  Was it enough?
If things did NOT go well:
  • See the above list and consider what was a problem and how you can improve.
One thing about education that I have always liked is that each semester or each year you get a new start.  You can continue the positive things and change the negative.  If your grades were good for the fall semester, continue with the same things and enhance them.  If your grades were poor, think about what changes you need to make and then implement them right away.
It is important to start developing new, positive habits from the first day of the semester, especially if you need to do things differently than before.  (One thing about college is that each semester is different with new classes and a new schedule.  You must adapt your time management and learning strategies to the new situation!)
Here is a preview of future blogs:
  1. Time management - how to efficiently get your studying done (and how much should you be doing!).
  2. Exactly how does learning happen - what things do you need to do?
  3. How to handle distractions.
  4. What to do if you have absolutely no interest in a class.
Work hard and enjoy the semester!
First Semester Success: Learning Strategies and Motivation for Your First Semester (or Any Semester) of College, by Dr. Arden B. Hamer, is available at, and  Click on link above and to the right.

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