Monday, January 7, 2013

Preparing for the Start of a New Semester

One aspect of college that is interesting is that each semester is different.  You have to set new habits and routines each semester.  So, as you approach the beginning of the spring semester, here are some things to do and consider:

Make a weekly chart of your classes and any other weekly responsibilities or commitments you have.  Then decide:
  • What is the best time for studying?   How will you fit in the number of hours needed?
  • When will you sleep, exercise?
  • When will you eat?  If you have back-to-back classes, does the food service offer bag lunches?
  • It is easiest if you get into a good routine from the beginning of the semester.

Look at your various classes.  Are there any that will be particularly challenging?  How will you handle that?  Is there outside help on your campus?  Where and when?

When you receive the syllabus for each class, put the major papers, assignments and exams on your monthly calendar so you know in advance how to organize your time.

Make sure that you start the semester at the top of your game.  The first week always seems easy, but things get hectic and stressful quickly.  Start off running!

Good luck and enjoy the semester!



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