The more actively involved you are with the material you
want to learn, the more efficiently you will learn it. Learning
will take a lot longer if you sit and passively read or review your lecture
notes. Instead, try some hands-on
activities. By adding movement, color,
and/or noise you will increase your retention and shorten your learning
time. Here are some ideas:
When reading your textbook, make notes in the margin or take separate
Read some passages out loud
With textbook material or lecture notes, transfer the material you want
to learn into a study guide
Make study cards
Add color to any of the above
Practice remembering – close your book or notebook and restate what you
just read
Teach someone else
Make a practice test and trade with a friend
Take your notebook to the gym with you and review on the treadmill or
exercise bike
Record a summary of the material and listen while you are driving or
Sing your notes to a rap beat
The idea is to add some variety to your studying. Use multiple strategies to learn the
material. (And don’t forget to space
your studying out over time also!!)