Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Overcoming Mid-semester Slump

At my university the semester is half over.  We do not have a fall break, but have 5 more weeks of classes before a week off at Thanksgiving.  Many students (and professors!) are tired and feeling a slump in their motivation.

Here are some ways to rejuvenate yourself:

Review your motivations.  Why are you here?  What are your goals?  Why is what you are doing important?

Evaluate how well you are taking care of yourself.  Are you getting enough sleep?  Enough exercise?  Are you eating healthy food?

If you are feeling stressed or over-whelmed, plan something fun and relaxing over a weekend.  Not the whole weekend, just a part of it!

Sometimes it is easier to work solid through a weekend and get on top of things when you know you have some “down time” the next weekend.  There’s no better way to relieve the stress of feeling overwhelmed than to just settle in and get the work done.

Above all, keep your focus on the big picture.  The semester will end soon enough and you will have some time off!

Just remember – enjoy the journey!!

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