The writer and the reader are
working together to help the reader understand the material.
The writer’s job is to write
as clearly as possible so that the reader is able to understand the information. They do this by using:
- Signal words
- Spacing, paragraphs, different fonts, other print signs
- Context clues to define difficult words
- Meaningful organization
- Headings to indicate the organization of the material
The reader’s job is to:
- Watch for the signals and aids from the writer
- Strive to understand
- Monitor their comprehension and reread when needed
Remember that when you are
writing a paper or essay exam you become the writer and your professor is now
the reader. Keeping this in mind will
help you be clearer in your writing. If
your professor can easily follow your thoughts and understand what you mean you
are more likely to earn a high grade (as long as your information is correct!).
Next week – signal words:
what are they and why they are important