For most of you, finals are next week and the pressure is mounting. Papers and projects are due. Exams are scheduled. Professors are squeezing in the last important information they want you to know. AND you possibly have to pack all of your belongings to be ready to go home for the summer.
There are a few things you can do to handle everything:
- Be sure to get enough sleep.
- Eat healthy food and get some exercise.
- Schedule some social time to say goodbye to friends, but not too much.
- Look at your final schedule and start your study plan NOW!
For each of your classes that have a final, check the following:
- When is it and where? If it is in a different location than the classroom, make sure you know where that it and how to get there.
- What will it cover? Is it cumulative or just on the final unit of the course?
- Do you have all of the information? Are your lecture notes complete?
THEN - Start your study plan now. Break the information into smaller topics and review one each day until you have covered everything. Every other day or so, go back and quickly review the information you studied so far. Take a look at previous blogs for some other learning strategies you can use if needed.
A final note: Students are very tempted by “book buy-back.” Be absolutely sure that you are done with the book before you sell it. If they are buying a limited supply and you are afraid to wait, consider copying the pages you need first. If the book will be used next semester, you might consider selling the book yourself for more than the book buy-back price but less than the used book price at the book store.
Good luck! (But if you are well prepared you won’t need luck!)