Opening your grades for the semester is, hopefully, a
pleasant event. The reward for all of
your effort and hard work! But what if
they are not what you hoped for! Here
are some repair strategies:
- If you got a D or an F,
can you or should you retake the class in the next semester? At my institution a D is passing but is
not allowed in your major. (Is
there a form to complete? Do you
need an advisors help or permission?)
- Can you take a class at
home either online or at a local college that will give you the necessary
knowledge you need to be successful next semester? (You may have to get permission from
your school, but if you are not transferring the credits possibly not.)
- Is there something else
you can do between semesters to bolster your knowledge – read a lower
level textbook, watch appropriate lessons on Kahn Academy, buy (and use!)
a self-teaching book for the subject?
- Take some time to reflect
on things such as class attendance, study and learning strategies,
motivation, too much social life, etc.
Are there some changes you need to make? Consider writing them down and putting
them in a place you will find them at the beginning of the next semester.
- Do you see a pattern? Is there a particular type of class
where you are not doing as well as you hope? Does this indicate that maybe you should
change your major?
- Look at your schedule for
the next semester. Start now to
think about the positive study habits you will follow and plan how you
will be sure to do so!
- Check and recheck with
Financial Aid. Again – more
regulations!!! Are there a specific
number of credits you must earn?
Will taking classes at home affect the number of semesters for
which you can get aid? Check everything,
ask questions, write down the date and the person’s name you are talking
to and the information you receive.
- In the event of the worst
case scenario – your grades are so low you are not able to return – think
about your next steps.
- If you want to eventually
return to that institution, what are the procedures?
- If you want to enroll
somewhere else, how will these poor grades affect your chances?
- If you can, go to a local
community college and either take classes to boost your skills and knowledge
or classes that will transfer.
(Again, check with the registrar’s office at your home school to
see what you need to do and also what classes will transfer. There are always regulations and
procedures you need to follow!)
Once there is a blip in your academic progress there are
multiple issues to consider, but you definitely can get back on track and
smoothly finish your degree. The trick
is to make sure it does not happen again!!
Review previous blogs about learning, studying and motivation for information. Good luck!
First Semester Success: Learning Strategies and Motivation for Your First Semester (or Any Semester) of College, by Dr. Arden B. Hamer, is available at, and Click on the upper right link.