Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The semester is over. Now what?

You have finished your finals and are now waiting for your grades.  Here are some things to consider:
If you are happy with your grades -
  • Think about what you did that helped you be successful.  Consider time management, study locations, learning strategies, seeking help, etc.
  • Look ahead to your next semester classes and think about what you can do again next semester to have the same positive results.
  • What classes do you anticipate being especially challenging next semester?  What can you do for them from the very beginning to be successful?
  • And finally...sit back and enjoy a job well done!
If you are NOT happy with your grades -
  • What happened?  Where did you fall short?
  • What learning strategies did you use that worked and what did not seem to work?
  • Where and when did you study - or not study?
  • Think about improvements you can make from the very first day next semester and resolve to do them!  Consider writing them down and saving them to read at the beginning of classes.  It is important to start productive study habits from the first day of the semester!
What if you think a grade is incorrect?
  • Your first step is to contact the professor.  Remember that some will not respond to emails, so if you do not get a response, visit that professor as soon as classes begin in January.  Take any graded and returned work you have and be polite!
  • If you still think there was an error, there is probably a procedure to follow where you will go up the chain of authority until the matter is  resolved.
No matter what, there is always room for improvement or refinement and every semester is different.  Go into the next one prepared and resolved to be successful from the start.
Here is some information you will find helpful, motivating, and easy to read:
First Semester Success: Learning Strategies and Motivation for Your First Semester (or Any Semester) of College, by Dr. Arden B. Hamer, is available at wordassociation.com, amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

In the Midst of Finals....

At my school we are just starting finals week.  This year my students seem to be particularly confused about the process.  Here is what you should know:
  • Exactly when and where the final will be held - Don't trust that your professor will tell you.  Many just assume you will figure it out and many do not even know their own final schedule until that week!  Also, don't assume you will remember.  Write everything down and look at your schedule for the week as a whole.
  • What will be on the final - Is it cumulative or just the last unit?  Be sure you have all of the notes, handouts, etc.  Get together with a classmate and compare and share.
  • What will be the format of the final - essay, multiple choice, open book, open notes?
Then, look at your week as a whole and plan when you will review for each final.  (At this point your major studying should be done!)  If you have two or more back-to-back, make a quick review card to go over as you go from one to the next.
Make sure you get adequate sleep and nutrition.  It is a mistake to get overly tired and stressed at this point.
Next week the blog will address what to do after you get your grades and how to analyze your learning throughout the semester.
Good luck!!
First Semester Success: Learning Strategies and Motivation for Your First Semester (or Any Semester) of College, by Dr. Arden B. Hamer is available at wordassociation.com, amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com.