By using this strategy while you read, you are becoming a
much more active reader. This will
result in higher comprehension and retention.
Here is what to do:
1. Read the paragraph
or section.
2. Think about
what is the important information you need to remember.
3. Condense
that information into a few key words.
4. Write the
words in the margin of the page near where you found the information.
There are other ways you can mark your pages:
- Write numbers beside where items are listed.
- Write "def" beside where an important word is defined.
- Draw a small concept map or chart in a white space to help you understand something.
- Circle names or important dates
- Put a star or arrow beside something that is important
Keep in mind that this is a new way to read and may be uncomfortable at first. But isn't any change uncomfortable? Give it time and you will wonder how you ever read without a pen or pencil in your hand!
By using this strategy you are ensuring that you will be
actively involved with the information and doing much more than simply letting
the words run through your mind.