Think about how you like to get directions to somewhere you have
never been. Do you like to follow a map
or a list of directions like you get from MapQuest? Or do you remember best if someone verbally
tells you where to go and maybe you repeat the information back to them. If this second way seems the best, you may
like to learn through your sense of hearing.
There are several study strategies you can use that use sound and words:
- Read your textbooks or notes out loud.
- Read them to some sort of rhythm.
- Tape yourself reading them and then listen while driving or exercising.
- Form a study group and explain the class information to each other or quiz each other.
- Teach the information to someone else.
- Background noise is fine while studying; just don’t let it overpower your thoughts. And remember that you will be taking the exam in silence.
- Of course, make sure that you attend all classes so that you hear your professor explain the information as well as your classmates’ discussions.
Next – study strategies using large and small muscle