There is no substitute for knowing the correct answer, but
you still have to communicate that answer to your professor so that they know
that you know!!! Here are some tips:
- Read the ENTIRE question.
- Pause and think about the answer.
- Mark up the questions. Number the parts, underline important words.
- Consider making a brief outline before starting to write.
- If it is a multiple part question, answer each part in order.
- Use signal words to help the professor follow along. If there are three parts, use words like “first, second, third.” If they ask for examples to prove your point, start the sentence with “For example.”
- Restate the question in your first sentence to keep your answer directed and on topic.
- If you have time, reread your answer. Be sure that it makes sense. Put yourself in the place of the professor and see if it is clear.
- Keep in mind that you are the writer and your job is to be clear for the reader. Don’t assume the reader/professor will “know what you mean” because they obviously know the material. Your job is to clearly explain the information and to demonstrate how well you do know the material.
Next week: Multiple
Choice exam strategies