When you are learning new material, it is a lot easier if
you understand The Big Picture. You will
be able to see how all of the information fits together and it will be easier
to remember the small details. The Big
Picture is important at all stages of learning; from the first exposure to the
material through reviewing for an exam.
Here are some strategies that are helpful:
* Before starting to read a textbook chapter, preview it by looking at the learning objectives or chapter outline, the headings, any bold print, etc.
* When you are reading anything, in the back of your mind be thinking of the overall article as well as the details.
* Look for the organization of the information. Are there two opposing viewpoints in the article? Is it in chronological order? Is it compare and contrast? You have to know this before you can understand!
* When taking lecture notes, think about how this individual lecture fits into the current major topic or the entire semester of material.
* When you are reviewing for an exam, go through your notes to see the major topics. Make a large review chart with all of the topics listed. Look for common themes and fill in the sub-points.
* Pause every so often and consciously think about The Big Picture and how everything relates and fits together.
What are you reading or studying right now? The next time you read or study, start by reviewing
the material and think about The Big Picture.
Then fit the new information you are gaining into that organization.