In class this week we talked about the characteristics of a successful student. The most common suggestions from my students included:
- Motivated
- Determined
- Persistent
- Optimistic
- Organized
- Focused
- Puts forth effort
- Works hard
- Organized
Students have displayed many of these characteristics in other settings such as sports. We reflected on what students did to be successful at a sport (practice, not giving up, analyzing mistakes and adjusting, etc.) and then discussed how they could be transfer these attitudes and strategies to an academic setting.
Another strategy is to focus on your goals – why are you in college? You can set a goal for the semester (for example: be on Dean’s List, have chosen a major or career) and then post that goal where you can see it every day to remind yourself of what you want to achieve.
I asked my students to write a short paper and tell me:
1.) how they are currently displaying the positive characteristics they already possess and
2.) what behaviors they would be doing if they had other characteristics that they want to develop.
You can do the same if there are some characteristics from the above list or others you would like to work on.
In the next two weeks the topics will be:
Goals – how to set a workable, motivational goal
Motivational quotations to keep you going