Before You Read
There are several things you can do before you start to read that will greatly enhance your comprehension and retention. Here are some ideas:
· * Preview the assignment, chapter, book, journal article. Look at the learning objectives, major heading and subheadings, bold print words, pictures, charts, graphs, etc. Be doing this you will get an overview of the entire scope of the information you are going to read. Then, as you read, you will be able to see how all of the information fits together.
· * Think about what you already know about this subject. The more you know about something, the easier it is to learn new material. So prepare you memory to latch on to the new information.
· * If you don't know anything about what you are reading, previewing will help you start to build background knowledge. You can also take a few minutes and look on the Internet for some basic information.
· * Plan to remember what you are reading. I know this sounds simple, but how many times do you sit down to read and your main thought is just to get it over with? Have a positive attitude!
· * Make a reading plan. Don't try to squeeze a long chapter into a short period of time. Decide how many sections of the material you will be able to read and comprehend in the allotted time and read that. If you finish and have a few minutes left, review what you read instead of forging ahead.
· * Eliminate distractions. Turn off the TV, email, IM, your cell phone, all those things that will break your concentration. You can re-connect with everyone in a hour.
· * Take some breaks. Don't try to read for several straight hours. You do need to give you brain a break and get refreshed. Just remember - the break is a few minutes, not several hours or days!
Next week we will look at some strategies you can do while you are reading that will help with concentration, comprehension and retention. Until then, keep reading!