Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Successbul Habits #1 and #2 of 7

I have spent several weeks sharing negative habits and problems I have observed in my struggling college students, but what are the positive habits I have seen in successful students?  There are at least seven, and they are not that hard to do.  It is much easier if you practice these habits from the start of the semester.  If you not, remember that is may be uncomfortable at first but soon will become natural.

#1 – Attend all classes!

This seems obvious, but it is amazing how many students think this is an option or a daily decision!  You go to class, there is not an option or a daily decision to be made.  You just always go.

One problem with missing is that, the next time you go you do not necessarily know what is happening in class and you feel uncomfortable.  This leads to not attending again to avoid that feeling.  Get to know someone in the class who you can contact if you get sick so that you have an idea of what you have missed.

If attendance is a problem, it helps to add some external motivation.  One option is to print out your weekly schedule and then X off each class you attend.  You can also make yourself a hand-drawn weekly chart with the classes listed for each day and then cross off each one as you attend.  The concrete act of crossing each class off is very motivating.  You can treat yourself after each perfect week to something you would like, but hopefully the internal satisfaction of attending, knowing what is happening and learning will be motivation enough.

#2 – Appear interested in the class

Keep in mind that your professors are constantly looking at the students’ faces and forming opinions of their interest level, personality and potential to succeed.   (This is perfectly natural – you do it all the time when you meet someone new!)  Make an effort to look pleasant and interested.  This really goes a long way and, if you are not feeling particularly pleasant or interested, by faking it you may actually find that you are!

Next week accurately keeping track of your assignments and exams. 
First Semester Success:  Learning Strategies and Motivation for Your First Semester (or Any Semester) of College, by Dr. Arden B. Hamer, is available at, and  Click on the  upper right link.

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