Monday, June 26, 2017

Freshman Pitfall #3 – Time Management in General

Besides surviving the first week of classes, how you manage your time is important throughout the semester.  Once the semester gets rolling things get very busy.  One skill that many people do not have is the ability to juggle multiple assignments and to look forward to see what is the best plan to get everything done.   This is a constant challenge which explains why organized students and people in general are always looking at their calendars and planners.   Some tools and strategies are:

Monthly calendar – At the beginning of every semester, go through all of your syllabi and write down major exams, projects, presentations, etc.   Also note any special event such as a trip or visit home.  I write these on a master monthly calendar as well as in my planner.

Weekly planner – In addition to the above information, use this to record any small assignment given in class, speakers or concerts, meetings, etc.   You will see the successful students pull out their planner (if they are not already out) as soon as the professor announces something. 

Daily to-do list – Either last thing at night or first thing in the morning look to see what is due and what is happening and then make a list of what you would like to accomplish that day.   It is very motivating to cross off what you have done.   If something does not get done, put it on tomorrow’s list.

What about keeping all of this information in your cell phone?   Many students prefer this method.  They set timers to go off to remind them that they need to do something.  Admittedly I am a “paper and pen” person so I do not like this method, but it seems to me that with all of the due dates your phone would constantly be reminding you of something.  Two other problems I would have is that it is hard to keep your phone open in front of you for an extended period of time and it is hard to see the overall picture of several weeks or the semester.

Being a good time manager takes time and patience but a major benefit is that you are not stressed about what you need to do or, even worse, stressed because you forgot something!

Next week one more entry dealing with time – staying on top of your assignments, grades and conflicting schedules.
First Semester Success: Learning Strategies and Motivation for Your First Semester (or Any Semester) of College, by Dr. Arden B. Hamer, is available at, and   Click on the upper right  link.

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