Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Dealing With Academic Probation

The last post dealt with reacting to your grades, both positive and negative outcomes.  What if the worst case scenario happens and you find yourself on probation.  Now what?


*Find out the procedures at your institution.  At mine you generally have one semester to recover and get back into academic good-standing (at IUP that is a 2.0 cumulative grade point average [GPA] or a C average for all classes combined).  Also, at IUP classes taken at other institutions transfer credits, but not the grade.  (This is important to know.)


*Look at your fall schedule.   Are your scheduled for any classes that have a prerequisite that you took this semester and failed?  If so, you will need to change your fall schedule.  

*Are there any classes you can repeat next semester?  The fastest way to get back in academic good standing is to replace a low grade with a higher grade.  (There is probably paperwork to file for this.)


*Reconsider you major.  Are you in an area that interests you and motivates you to study?  Are the courses you are required to take in an area where you skills and knowledge are deficient? (If this is the case, move to #4.)


*Can you take summer classes at home or online classes in an area where your knowledge is deficient?  Or is there some way you can increase your skills in these areas with independent study?  (In this case you are not worried about transferring credits or grades.)


*Can you take summer classes at your institution that will help increase your cumulative GPA?


*Reflect back on the previous semester.  What did you do well?  What worked?  AND what did not work?  What changes can you make next semester?

*Think ahead and plan specifically when and how you will study next semester.  Consider writing this down and putting it somewhere so you will find and read it in the future.

***The important thing is to do things DIFFERENTLY and BETTER.  Changes are necessary.  Over the summer look for motivation and resolve to do what needs to be done to be successful.  You can do it!

First Semester Success: Study Strategies and Motivation for Your First Semester (or Any Semester) of College, by Dr. Arden B. Hamer, is now available at wordassociation.com, amazon.com, and barnesandnoble.com.

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