Tuesday, August 30, 2011

First Week of the Semester - Start Strong

 Don’t be fooled by the laid back atmosphere of the first week of the semester.  Even though many professors start lecturing immediately, there doesn’t seem as if you have a lot to do. Everyone is getting settled, getting use to their semester schedule and catching up with friends they have not seen since last semester or making new friends.   This relaxed atmosphere will rapidly change, so be prepared. 

There are several things you should be doing:
  • Be sure you have all the books and supplies that you need.
  • Take some time to look through your books – how is the book organized, what study aids are included, what will make the book easy or difficult to learn from.
  • Get your calendar and write in all of your major assignments, exams and papers.
  • Look at your class schedule and plan when you will study, and then start to follow the plan!
  • Set a goal for the semester – possibly a grade point average that you would like to attain – write the goal on a note card and post it where you will see it every day.
  • Begin to study and learn now – review notes after each class, read ahead in your textbooks, create study guides.
 Before you know it, it will be the middle of the semester.  If you have started strong and stayed strong, things should be going well and you will be pleased with your grades and class performance.  Remember:

It is easier to keep up than to catch up!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Preparing for the Fall Semester

Here are some things to think about as the beginning of the fall semester rapidly approaches.

If you are a returning student:
  • What did you do last semester that was successful and you want to repeat?
  • What did you do that did not enhance your success and you want to eliminate?
  • What are your goals for this semester? 
  • What study strategies worked and you will use again?
  • What study strategies will you add?
  • Think about your classes – Which one will require the most study time?  What can you do from the very beginning of the semester to help yourself be successful?

If you are a first-semester freshman:
  • How did you study in high school?  What strategies did you use?  What other study strategies are you familiar with?
  • What challenges do you anticipate as you begin your academic career?  How will you handle them?
  • What resources are available on your campus for help with studying, computers, and specific classes?

You can review the blog postings from the 2010-2011 academic year.  Also, check in each week for a new posting about your academic success.

Have a great semester!